Don’t just listen to AI. Why you need to Listen to Your Community, Too.

In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword that evokes many emotions - excitement, curiosity, fear, and apprehension. With AI being at the forefront of technological innovation, concerns about job displacement and the potential ramifications for society have dominated discussions. 

But it's essential to remember that AI is not a conscious being with intentions, emotions, or consciousness. While AI can be a powerful tool, it lacks the depth of human interaction and the ability to understand the needs and sentiments of a community, which are vital in creating campaigns that resonate with people on a personal level and foster brand loyalty and engagement. 

Here's why it's time to stop worrying about AI and start listening to your community:


While AI algorithms can process and analyze vast amounts of data, AI lacks a nuanced understanding of human feelings, preferences, and context. For businesses, this means that while AI can help in automating processes and data analysis, it can't replace the human touch needed to connect with customers and communities on a deeper, emotional level.


Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, professional or personal, and many people still harbor skepticism regarding AI. There are concerns about data privacy, security, and the potential for AI to be misused. Recent surveys conducted by Forbes and Pew Research show these sentiments. A survey conducted by MITRE Organization found public trust in AI continues to decline


No matter how advanced AI becomes, there's no substitute for the power of human connection. In marketing and advertising, the personal touch creates brand loyalty, fosters relationships, and engages your community. From face-to-face interactions to personalized customer service, the human element is irreplaceable.


AI is a tool for automation and data analysis but can't replicate human creativity and innovation. The current generation of AI is limited to copying the work of humans and can’t be creative itself. The spark of a creative idea, the art of storytelling, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances are all distinctly human traits.

In marketing and advertising, the emphasis should be on listening to your community, addressing their concerns, and fostering human interactions. This not only builds trust but also ensures that your brand remains genuine and responsive to your audience's unique needs and preferences. While AI can automate tasks and analyze data, it's the human element that brings warmth, creativity, and authenticity to the forefront. So, stop worrying about AI and start nurturing your community relationships – it's the key to lasting success in the age of technology.

At Team Friday, we understand that AI can be a valuable tool. However, we firmly believe that the real magic happens when we listen to our clients’ communities, understand their sentiments and needs, and engage with them on a personal level. That’s why our approach combines the power of technology and the art of human interaction to craft compelling and authentic storytelling that resonates with the community. 



Team Friday Wins Gold at the dotCOMM Awards for Outstanding Digital Marketing & Communication Campaign


Michelle O’Grady, Recognized with Sun Rise Honors Award by PRSA-LA for Leadership in Diversity and Inclusion